Tamsin German
179 reviews

PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Took this class in the fall and she was amazing! DEF will take another of her classes. She offers extra credit opportunities. Quizzes were timed but reasonable and open note, the material was straight off of lectures and readings so you have to do the work to do well. She hosts review sessions before quizzes and she is very kind and genuine.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Professor German makes her async lectures fun and interesting with lots of videos. She shows a cat video of all her kittens at the beginning of each one. She is super caring and considerate because of covid and really cares about her student's well being. There are frequent but easy-ish assignments, text book online. Great prof, learned cool stuff.

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PSY145 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

She is a great professor! Will give you the help you are looking for, but she does low-key try to trick you on quizzes. The way she words her questions and answers makes you think.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

She was so flexible throughout the quarter and was just overall a very caring person.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

8 prerecorded lectures each week each about 15 mins long each. Theres one 20q mc exam every week. Theres readings but I did fine without needing to buy the $50 book. No final. You can choose to participate in a study throughout the quarter or write a 2 pg paper but its only 2% so I did neither. Shes very accommodating too. Section takes attendance

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

BEST professor ever. Would 100% take another class taught by her. Very understanding. Hosts office hours to review before weekly exams that are very helpful. Pretty straightforward class. Highly recommend this class as a GE or just for credit. Textbook is online. Section attendance mandatory. Watch the lectures and do the readings to get an A.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Prof. German is an amazing teacher! This class has weekly tests based on two reading chapters, which ended up being a lot of work. Her tests are also slightly confusing wording wise but wasnt terrible. She modified some aspects halfway through the quarter after feedback, which was really nice.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors at UCSB. Tamsin is a fantastic teacher and person. In PSY 1 if you read the textbook material and watch the lecture then take the online CYU quizzes you will you well on the weekly exams. THERE IS NO FINAL! She is very understanding even though this is a huge group of students and a stressful class to run. Love her.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Personal favorite prof out of the classes I've taken online. Super caring & understanding, make up exams are open with no questions asked. Tests based off reading and lectures. Lectures are interesting, book is most of the same stuff so can skim and do well. No final, lowest quiz is dropped.

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PSY105 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Online learning has been a disaster but this was the only class I looked forward to attending. German puts a lot of effort into her lectures and I found them all to be incredibly engaging and easy to understand. I feel like I learned a lot. She gives great opportunities to prepare for the test and has been very accommodating during this time.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Professor German is amazing. She is incredibly passionate about Psychology and that only makes learning in her class easier. She pre-recorded her lectures which was very helpful and she made herself available. With weekly tests and no midterm or final, this was a very well structured class. I highly, highly recommend!! She is incredible.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

anyone who says this class is hard didnt put in enough work. Im the type of person who likes an easy class w an easy A and have been fortunate enough to do the bare minimum and still get an A in HS but for this class, I had to do a fair amount of work. but its college so its expected. shes great! take this class. very interesting!

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

This class was my least favorite and for good reason. The professor is not helpful outside of lecture because when I email her about my issues she doesn't respond to them at all. It's honestly so rude and uncaring of her, I had genuine questions or concerns and she doesn't even respond at all. This class was not good and I would not take it again.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

I took this class as a GE, and I am so glad I did. Prof German is great! Shes understanding if you miss tests or can't make it to your section. Readings & lectures are fair, if you do both and have decent reading comprehension skills you'll get at least a B. Tests are straight from the readings/lectures. + The content you learn is SO interesting!

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Honestly, I have mixed feelings. A good thing about this class is that if you put time and work in, easy A. However, that is only if you have a LOT of time. Very reading heavy class, bit of disorganized lectures, and hard exams. The professor comes across as rude in her emails and I've only emailed her 3 times in the quarter. Not bad but not good.

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Exams Are Tough

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

I loved this class. Everyone who says the tests are super hard doesn't know how to take application based tests. Yes it is reading heavy, but I just take brief notes and watch the lectures and I have gotten an A on every test. I find the material super interesting! Please don't be discouraged and take this class if you are interested at all in psy

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PSY1 . German T C M 3 Years Ago

Professor Tamsin is a great professor. She is very cool and passionate. However, the class is extremely hard. Do not take it as GE. We were required to read a lot. Her lecture is a little disorganized so you have to pay attention to her words. There is a mini exam each week, and those exams are so hard. Be ready to spend a lot of time.

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PSY1 . German T C M 4 Years Ago

Terrible lectures. Not understanding or accommodating. Never uploaded lectures on time. Lectures were so boring I had to speed them up just to get through it. Tests were impossible and required way too much analysis when we were given just over a minute per question. I would never take a class from German again.

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PSY1 . German T C M 4 Years Ago

I enjoyed her class. Her exams are hard but if you study well enough you can get a god grade. I took her during my spring quarter of 2020 during quarantine and she made the class worthwhile. Shes a good professor in general!

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PSY105 . German T C M 4 Years Ago

Tests were tough, but you'll do well if you READ THE BOOK (a must) and take good notes in lecture. Something about the way she speaks makes it really hard to follow what she's saying. Test averages are usually a B. You have to read the book for this prof. But she's really nice and always available during office hours.

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PSY145 . German T C M 4 Years Ago

The best professor I have had at UCSB. The subject itself is very interesting but German makes them easy to understand/entertaining by using pop culture ex. No textbook. Go to class so you can learn the details of the studies she presents, or else you'll only get a brief overview which isn't enough info to ace the tests. Lot of ways to get an A

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INT186AF . German T C M 4 Years Ago

I only had Dr. German for a 1 unit testless transfer seminar course so I can't say how she is in an actual class but I really enjoyed her! She is easy to talk to, knows her stuff and is really creative with innovative and fun homework assigments that didn't even feel like homework because they were enjoyable. I highly suggest her as a professor.

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PSY105 . German T C M 9 Years Ago

I took this class because developmental psych interests me, but also because people RAVED about German. I really don't like her. I love the material and I love that she uses video clips to teach, it was an effective way to learn. But she is very cold, when people ask questions she shoots them down. She is rude and she doesn't answer the FAQ page.

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