Michael Miller
43 reviews

PSY90 . Miller M B 8 Years Ago

Dr. Miller is such a friendly guy. I'm glad I got to take a seminar from him because he genuinely wants to hear students' ideas. He's very approachable and usually makes jokes in class. I hope I get to take more classes from him.

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PSY3 . Miller M B 9 Years Ago

Take Psy 3 with professor Miller! He put slides online and there is no need to buy the book! Got an A in this class.

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03 . Miller M B 9 Years Ago

Don't make the same mistake I made and GO TO CLASS! Although he puts the slides online they would make much more sense if I would have gotten to hear it from him. I super crammed for this and I really regret not putting in the time or effort. His teaching style (for the classes I did attend) is good. Fair tests but read anything confusing from book

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PSYCH3 . Miller M B 10 Years Ago

GREAT professor. Super nice and explains things very well. Got an A- in this class with barely any problems, if you put in the work it will show.

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PSY5 . Miller M B 10 Years Ago

His tests are almost completely off the lectures. Good professor, interesting material. Start studying early though!

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PSYCH3 . Miller M B 10 Years Ago

His tests are mainly based on his lectures and he's really helpful, but BE CAREFUL! If you compare his lectures with his online notes and what he says in lecture, there are MANY INCONSISTENCIES AND HE GETS A LOT OF THINGS WRONG.

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PSY3 . Miller M B 11 Years Ago

Entertainingly good lecturer. Tends to cover things a bit too quickly, but is always engaging and presents tons of incredibly interesting videos, images, and ideas in general. Talks about his own work frequently. Powerpoints always available outside lecture and extremely useful for studying. Exams are hard as hell (good for a %ile grading system).

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PSYCH3 . Miller M B 11 Years Ago

Best professor for this class. He includes all dropped students in the curve to help more people get good grades. Textbook is not necessary. All questions are based on what he says in lecture. He posts lecture slides online. Before the midterm and final he gives you an outline of how many questions will be for each topic. Very hard class regardless

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PSYC3 . Miller M B 12 Years Ago

Mr. Millers a good professor. Class has a quick pace, but its def worth showing up for the lectures. Reading helps, but not when studying for the tests. Theres only the Midterm and the Final so stay on top of the material. Go to his office hours. Hes easy to talk to and def wants to help you to suceed.

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PSYF . Miller M B 13 Years Ago

Overall, I thought this class was decent. I went to lecture only five times throughout the quarter and I managed to pull off a B-. He puts his lectures online, which is really helpful! It's very possible to get an A in the class. Just go to lecture and read the book.

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PSY3 . Miller M B 13 Years Ago

Class was okay. First half was way harder then second half, didn't really explain neurons all too well and it was confusing. Both tests are purely from lecture slides so don't bother reading the book unless you want elaboration. It's curved a little bit. Professor Miller seems like a nice person. Wasn't too bad overall.

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APSY3 . Miller M B 13 Years Ago

Miller makes this class interesting and understandable. I put a good amount of effort into this class and got an A on the first test. They are challenging but if you read over the slide multiple times and read over the concepts in the book that you don't understand then you will do fine! Heard he is the easiest psych 3 teach, get him hes great!

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PSYCH3 . Miller M B 13 Years Ago

I have never taken Bio, so this class was really hard. He breezed over all of the neurons, neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology (prob because there is a lot to cover). I was LOST. Tests aren't cumulative, but they are T/F, multiple choice, and matching. The T/F is killer. Second half of the course was easier and he taught it well.

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PSYCH3 . Miller M B 13 Years Ago

I took biopsychology with another professor before repeating this class with professor Miller and his tests were not as hard as professor Millers! He is really boring and has a weird serious sarcastic type of personality, his lectures and the book may be a little helpful but not enough for his super amazingly hard tests!! Be aware and do your best!

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PSY3 . Miller M B 15 Years Ago

Great teacher. Always made lecture interesting and funny. Helped break down complicated brain areas to first time biopsych students. If you can get him, do so!

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PSY3 . Miller M B 15 Years Ago

The class wasn't too hard. I liked Prof. Miller. I definitely recommend going to class even though he puts the lectures online. The tests are a little hard but not too bad. Easy to get a B. Definitely do the reading, test questions come from text and lecture

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PSY3 . Miller M B 15 Years Ago

I thought he was a very good professor. Tests come straight from lecture slides that are online. And they are interesting. Unfortunately the tests aren't super easy but not super hard either. I say its relatively easy to get a B, but to get an A is pretty difficult because of the psy dep curve

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PSY123 . Miller M B 16 Years Ago

he let us have cheat sheets on the exams so it was pretty easy if you had the right material on it.

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PSY7 . Miller M B 16 Years Ago

nice guy but the tests were tricky and ambiguous.

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PSYCH7 . Miller M B 16 Years Ago

I love Miller. His lectures are interesting and fun so I never missed one. His tests are kind of difficult but if you know your stuff it shouldn't be a problem. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

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PSYCH7 . Miller M B 17 Years Ago

I dig him, a little bit dorky, but in a cute way. His lectures are interesting and worthwhile. He has mentioned that it's interesting how few students who have questions or are falling behind actually come to his office for clarification. Trust me, go to his office and talk to him about test concerns etc, and it will help you. He's very fair and wa

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PSYCH7 . Miller M B 17 Years Ago

I dig him, a little bit dorky, but in a cute way. His lectures are interesting and worthwhile. He has mentioned that it's interesting how few students who have questions or are falling behind actually come to his office for clarification. Trust me, go to his office and talk to him about test concerns etc, and it will help you. He's very fair and wa

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PSYCH101 . Miller M B 17 Years Ago

Dr. Miller was one of the best Professors I've ever had. His lectures are interesting and he has an adorable smile. Great sense of humor. My prior interest in Psych was minimal, now I;m thinking about pursuing it as a Masters program.

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PSYCH3 . Miller M B 17 Years Ago

At the beginning of the quarter he seemed somewhat boring, but after a while his teaching style and personality really grow on you. The midterm and final are somewhat difficult, but the class itself is one I really enjoyed and he has some funny lines here and there which are funny. Overall a really interesting class.

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