Amy Jamieson
83 reviews

ESS3 . Jamieson A E 6 Years Ago

I got a C on the midterm and a C on the final and ended the class with an A- because of extra credit. She's nice enough, but I hate health/ science so lectures were boring. The book is exactly what she says so if you don't pay attention in class you can just read the book. Or if you pay attention in class you don't need to read the book. EASY hw!

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 6 Years Ago

This is one of the stupidest and easiest classes you can take at UCSB. There is weekly homework, but it takes about 15 minutes and, if you do it, you get 100% points. You have to show up to the lectures for the clicker points. Your final and midterm are worth about 25% each of your grade, I got a C on both and got a 94% in the class. Easy A.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 6 Years Ago

Her lectures are super heavy but she pulls info straight from the book so if you read the book you could get away with not going to lecture but she does take attendance by iclicker points. Homework every week but I never spent more than 20 min on it a week. Studied for the midterm the night before and got an 88%. Easy A if you pay attention.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 7 Years Ago

Easiest class I've taken at UCSB. The test grades really don't effect your grade much (I got a 74 on the midterm and 70 on final and ended with a 93). Even if you miss some of the assignments, before the final she gives you the opportunity to make all of them up for full credit. Really have to try to not get an A.

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ESS1 . Jamieson A E 7 Years Ago

Take this class if you want an easy A. The lectures can be pretty heavy, but the tests are straight forward and she uses her iclicker questions on the test. She also gives you a study guide that is somewhat helpful. Minimal work required for the class!

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 7 Years Ago

Very straightforward. Either read the textbook or go to class. Both are completely unnecessary, as the lectures are straight from the book. There is iClicker but I just gave mine to friends every class, read the book, got an A+. Her lectures are clear and precise.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 7 Years Ago

Very straight forward, easy A, Study the Study Guide and get an A. Take it, very easy

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 7 Years Ago

One of the easiest and more enjoyable A+ I received for a class. Studied the night before for the midterm and final, finished the exams relatively quick, and still did decent. Due to the questions being very straight forward and the answer is so obvious it hurts. Would retake again, I browses the internet during lecture.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 7 Years Ago

I took this class pass/no pass and because I didn't do ONE homework assignment I didn't pass the class. On the syllabus it said if you tried to do the homework late you had five days to complete it, I asked if I could do it the day after and she told me no.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

Super awesome professor who really cares about her students. The information can get pretty scientific at times, but she knows how to break it down so you understand. iClicker points are worth a large portion of your grade, so going to class is a must. If you're looking for an awesome class to take your last quarter, I highly recommend it!

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

She rushed through unnecessary material (repeating info/slides, info not on tests, etc) to get to the important info at the very 5 mins of the last lecture.. Pretty much sums up her teaching style. Doesn't prepare her lectures and doesn't know what slide comes after what. Easy points for clicker and hw, but don't expect much else. Take for p/np

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

took this class freshman year first quarter since other classes were full. i don't regret it. although lectures can seem to drag a bit (esp since it's in IV) it definitely helps to be there. you're gonna want to get all the iclicker points. BRING YOUR LAPTOP (way easier for notes). it's really hard not to get an A in this class. tests are fair.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

This was a pretty easy class. She tests off of her lecture notes only so don't bother buying the textbook and doing the reading because it's the same exact thing as her notes. She uses iClickers so show up to lecture to get the points. Jamieson gives extra credit so not impossible to get an A+.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

A lot to memorize before midterm and final, even though they are all multiple choices. Lots of extra credit. I got an A even though I got 80 on my final. You don't need a textbook because she put everything on ppt.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

Easy class; Easy A, Go to lecture OR read the book (she does use Clicker so its easier to go to class and take notes than read, plus she tells you what is important for her test, book doesn't) if you attend all lectures & do HW you will get an A. I actually turned in 2 of 4 HW assignments nearly a week late, skipped lecture for 3 weeks, & got a B.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

I do not understand how she goes through the slides and talks so quickly. She can easily have 300 words on her slides but spend less than 10 seconds on them. Yet she talks for the entire hour and 15 minutes. She goes way too fast. Overall the class isn't that hard but her lectures are long and painful.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

Please don't take this class if you have any desire to actually learn about nutrition or be even remotely inspired. She bores me to tears. Unless you already know all about nutrition and can skip the painful lectures, do yourself a favor a take a diff. class. I feel like she really has no passion for teaching but she is fit, I'll give her that.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

Long lectures filled with information. Take good notes and do your best to pay attention and you will likely attain an A, at worst a B. The material is straightforward and any difficulty comes from the fact that there is sometimes a lot to memorize. You can get by without the book if you don't miss lecture.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 8 Years Ago

I'm still taking her class right now and it's pretty easy. For this quarter, she started to post her powerpoint notes (chapters 4+) online so I just print them out and write down what I'm missing in class. It's true that she goes fast at times but I just take pictures and then write them down later. Class feels long though, so be prepared for that.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 9 Years Ago

I don't know how this woman is qualified to teach this course in a university setting. I'm an undergraduate biology major and I could teach this class better than her. She mispronounces everything & on several occasions I've heard hear make statements that were just blatantly incorrect. No need to do the reading, she tests directly from lectures.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 9 Years Ago

Jamieson's a joke. She referred to Alaska as Hawaii for an entire lecture, reads off the slides which she copy and pastes from the textbook, and pulls her exams off of that. Easy, but painful if you have any sense of academic desire.

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 9 Years Ago

Lectures are straight from the book so I didn't even bother buying the book. Super easy assignments that you get credit for as long as you do them. Requires iclicker for lectures, but she gives a lot of extra credit opportunities to make up for missing iclicker points. Midterm and final were straight forward.

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53637 . Jamieson A E 9 Years Ago

Last quarter I took ESS 3 with Jamieson and absolutely despised how fast she went. I hoped this class would be different in terms of speed, but it was about the same. Just be prepared to type, write, or take photos fast of slides. 1 midterm, 1 group presentation with "research paper" about a chosen topic, and no final during finals week!!!!

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ESS3 . Jamieson A E 9 Years Ago

Easiest class ever. Only reason to go to lecture is to get the iclicker points. Her lectures are literally plagiarized from the textbook so you really don't need the book at all, waste of $80+ dollars. Memorize the study guides and you will get and A. Overall, really pointless class as it does not count for anything requirements.

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