Doug Steigerwald
40 reviews

ECON140A . 8 Months Ago

HW through STATA, wasn't taught in class. had to go to OH and sit on the floor with 20+ students. Content was fair, but imo lectures too conceptual and didn't show the application of content needed for test. 7 TAs=7 versions of tests w/different concepts... Maybe hardest econ class I've taken, but not impossible, any amt of effort helps the curve.

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ECON140A . 8 Months Ago

He is one of the BEST professors I've had. Ignore the negative reviews and take 140A with him. Study hard, go to the office hours, and REVIEW for the tests. This is a hard class that requires extra time

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ECON140A . 8 Months Ago

It's hard to fail, but difficult to get an A. The homework is completely unrelated to the class and only possible if you go to the extra labs. The tests are incredibly difficult and always have completely new problems that aren't on the practice tests. Also useless slides and lectures with constant iClicker. Worst Econ class I have taken here.

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ECON140A . 8 Months Ago

Your only course of study is practice midterms and the bare bones slides that fail to teach the latter half the of the class. This class is extremely dependent on you more than anything, which will hit you extremely hard with the midterm and final. The homework is unhelpful as it is coding barely related to what you learn. Avoid him imo.

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140A . 8 Months Ago

Just don't do it. Not worth.

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140A . 8 Months Ago

Avoid at all costs. No textbook-- only lectures and slides. Does a poor job explaining the material and will assume students grasp the concepts no matter how good of a job he does explaining it. Very limited practice problems-- completed every practice midterm and had new concepts show up on the actual midterm that none of the practice ones covered

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140A . 8 Months Ago

His lectures are all over the place. The videos he posts are using all old slides so it doesn't correlate with the slides we are given. He is also very condescending during lectures. He tries to make you feel bad if you don't know something and makes it sound like its common sense. Overall, grade distribution is nice and makes it hard to fail.

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140A . 9 Months Ago

Although knowledgeable in his field, this professor chooses to actively degrade students and force the TAs to make 7 different midterms all on different materials rather than lift a finger to make his own exam. Also requires STATA homework that has nothing to do with the taught material. Prepare to self-teach A LOT

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ECON140A . 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Doug was the best Econ professor I've had so far. While the in-class i-clicker questions seem tedious, they actually helped me grasp the material which benefited me in the exams. Exams were take home and somewhat difficult, but curved. However, the Stata hw was a nightmare and not much help was given.

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ECON140A . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

I say this is Econ 5 2.0. If you did well in Econ 5 you shouldn't be struggling. Do all the extra credits and homework, you'll do great!

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ECON140A . 2 Years Ago

Want to take a class where you can get over a 90% yet still receive a B+? In this class you can be curved down, which is absolutely ridiculous. Avoid this professor at all costs.

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ECON140A . 2 Years Ago

If you really want to learn about Econometrics, ignore the negative reviews and take 140A with him. His way of teaching made the concepts interesting and applicable in real life. One of the few classes I looked forward in attending. Plus, 40% of your grade is basically free credit. The midterm and final are easy if you actually learn the concepts.

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ECON140A . 2 Years Ago

Remarkably uninteresting lecturer. Homework is convoluted and practically requires assistance from TAs. Don't come to class expecting to actually learn anything, however, a B grade should be easily attainable with minimal effort due to the large grading curve.

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ECON140A . 2 Years Ago

I had Doug for 140A and 140B. He is by far the BEST professor I've ever had. Please do not pay attention to the negative reviews. I can guarantee the people who wrote those reviews did not go to a single office hour or put in the extra effort required to succeed in hard classes. These aren't easy classes, but you will succeed if you truly WANT to

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ECON140A . 3 Years Ago

assumptive and touchy

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ECON140A . 3 Years Ago

He's an average lecturer but the thing that really hurts is the lack of resources in this class. All the lectures are pre-recorded and it averages less than two per week. We also don't have a textbook and have only the lecture and a few practice problems to study from. If you take this class online be prepared to do a lot of independent studying

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ECON140A . 3 Years Ago

He is such a bad lecturer it hurts. skips through so much and doesn't explain important info. Even if you ace Econ 10A and stats 109 you might struggle heavy to pass. Econ 101 and 100B are so easy, pulling mid 90%s and this one im studying 4 times more for and might not pass. gotta love it. Avoid if possible

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ECON140A . 3 Years Ago

Taken during corona season but lectures are awful. skips through half the slides. class isnt based on a textbook, only lectures but openly says the take home midterms have stuff he doesnt teach to make them challenging. How am I supposed to do well when there no textbook or useful lectures. Seems like a nice guy and would be good dad.

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ECON140A . 4 Years Ago

The most encouraging and amazing professor I have taken during my time at UCSB. He is funny and a great lecturer. Not a fan of having Eviews as my first programming experience but it's not that bad. No textbook, his slides are super long but very informative. Go to office hours for a better grasp of the material. Will take him for 140B.

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ECON140A . 4 Years Ago

Steigerwalds teaching style is a bit quirky but he truly wants you to learn. Hes one of the few professors that is actually thrilled to teach every day and he has everyones best interests in mind. Hes clear in what he expects from his students and its quite achievable. The curve makes it nearly impossible to fail. Also somewhat of a funny guy!

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ECON140A . 5 Years Ago

Doug is extremely passionate about the subject and explains things in a way that not only gets students to understand the material, but to WANT to understand the material. Econ 140A is known to be a really hard class but he wants everyone to succeed and shows that with how helpful and interactive he is with students during lecture.

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ECON140A . 5 Years Ago

Not very good at explaining and seems condescending. Ambiguous suspicious grading

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ECON140A . 5 Years Ago

so far the best economic professor I've had in UCSB. Lecture slides were the best, and it explains every single detail you need to know for the exam easily. As long as you know how to prove some formulas (the slides literally tell you which ones you need to memorize) and actually understand the concept, it'll be fine. This class was super fun (:

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ECON140A . 6 Years Ago

Doug is a phenomenal professor--an absolute anomaly in the crusty Economics department! He's an affable man, with a genuine interest to know and aid his students. To be frank, most people that think otherwise probably did not APPLY themselves to Econometrics, which is an incredibly difficult class to grasp both conceptually, and technically.

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