Robin Matoza
19 reviews

EARTH131 . Matoza R S 4 Months Ago

Dr. Matoza is super knowledge in his field, and that shows in his lectures. Most of our class time was spent deriving equations that helped us understand the fundamentals of what we are working on during lab sections. There are no exams for this class, but that means you should dedicate your time into the labs to earn a good grade.

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EARTH11 . Matoza R S 2 Years Ago

Optional midterm, mcq. Weekly homework -- some math! Weekly extra credit for up to 7% on total class grade. Attended section/lecture 1 time each. Stopped attending lecture because prof is very hard to understand -- spoke very quickly w strong accent + lisp. Otherwise highly recommend!! Best science GE for humanities majors :)

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EARTH11 . Matoza R S 2 Years Ago

Pretty cool class! Lectures can get a bit information-heavy and dry at times but overall, a solid choice for a GE. Professor Matoza is super knowledgeable in his field as well. Grading was clear and assignments are manageable!

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EARTH131 . Matoza R S 3 Years Ago

Professor Matoza is great. His lectures are super clear and concise, and he gets right to the point. He derives a lot of equations, which I think is super helpful, and shows you where he gets all of his information. The labs were pretty dense (lots of hours of work), but they were really cool and applicable to real-life geophysical problems.

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EARTH11 . Matoza R S 6 Years Ago

You can tell he's passionate about his work and loves to share. His lectures are interesting/informative, but not too overwhelming. The class was intriguing(not to mention the easiest class I've taken at UCSB). Took no notes and never opened the book, just showed up to lecture and paid attention (most of the time); tests are super straight forward.

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EARTH11 . Matoza R S 6 Years Ago

Prof. Matoza was amazing! I really enjoyed his class. You do not need to purchase the book to do well in the class, just go to the lib and borrow the book that is on reserve. I thought this class was amazing and I definitely recommend it to everyone. He also offers extra credit which is amazing and it can really help your grade.

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EARTH11 . Matoza R S 6 Years Ago

For the first quarter teaching Volcanoes and Humans, the course went extremely smooth. Prof. Matoza is such a blessing when it comes to his grading. His finals and midterms are very straight forward and he gives you enough prep with study guides beforehand - if you skip lectures (like I did lol) I would definitely suggest looking over slides

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EARTH11 . Matoza R S 6 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Prof. Matoza! He is a great lecturer and an extremely fair grader! He offers extra credit every week. The sections are not mandatory, but are useful because you can ask questions and complete assignments. HIGHLY recommend if you need an Area C GE. He's a great professor!

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EARTH11 . Matoza R S 6 Years Ago

I love this class! Sure lectures can get boring sometimes but the class itself is so cool. He's very passionate about his work which makes going to lecture nice. Offers extra credit each week and posts slides online. You don't need the book bc everything is in the slides. Super chill, easy and interesting class . def recommend!

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EARTH11 . Matoza R S 6 Years Ago

This was his first time teaching Earth11 and this was the first time the class was introduced. Very easy. He posted the slides on gauchospace and pretty much read off the slides, adding bits of information here and there. Homework due every week, but very doable. He offers lots of extra credit, so that was nice. Super smart, and I enjoyed the class

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

Lectures are so boring even though the professor seems so nice. I barely went, just to get the extra credit, and I still got an A in this class. Best area C you take for the GE requirement it was honestly so easy. SO many chances to make up points and earn extra credit. Only annoying things are hw & disaster project. Still though, take this class.

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

Matoza is a pretty good guy, and is very interested in what he teaches. The class was a dread to go to, but gained 5% extra credit overall, and then 2% for going to section. The class was very boring but very easy. You can easily get an A with very minimal studying, or if using any studying at all. No math, but counts as a qualitative relationship.

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

Easiest class taken at UCSB. Never went to lecture but just showed up to click in, got a C on the midterm, C- on the final but bc attendance in lecture and section are extra credit, I still got a B+. Definitely a good GE to take, the professor is super nice too My friend also went to 2 lectures and just studied for the tests and got an A+

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

I am not good at math or science and was worried about this class. I went to every lecture and did most the readings it was a really fun interesting class! He made lectures fun by adding videos and it was one of my favorite classes! study and the midterm and final were not that bad at all!

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

I Know I'm complaining a bit here, but this is why i think general educations are usually just useless. I'm gonna forget what he taught me in 1 month anyway. WHy do we need to know about corolisis effect or hadley cell or w.e those terms are. Class is just straight up annoying and actually difficult to understand sometimes.

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

I honestly believe, if you're competent and you give a darn about your grade, It's an A. Don't buy the textbook, he has everything he expects you to know on his slides. He might put you to sleep but he posts his slides so you can catch up. One group presentation, but other than that, not a very demanding class. Robin himself is a very cool guy.

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

He posts all his lecture slides online so taking notes/attending class wasn't mandatory. Homework assignments were fairly easy and attending section was very helpful. The book was very helpful when studying for tests or homework assignments. Final was harder than midterm but was a nice grader. Got Cs on tests/As on hw but got a B+ overall.

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

He's a genuine professor, and he definitely enjoys what he is teaching. However, his lectures were pretty boring and he puts all his lecture slides online, so attending lectures weren't that important. The sections were extremely helpful. Overall, it was easier than I was expecting.

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EARTH20 . Matoza R S 8 Years Ago

Great and well organised class, relevant and interesting lectures, easy marks

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