Kalju Kahn
102 reviews

CHEMISTRY1C . 18 Years Ago

This is the worst teacher I have ever had. 1. He is a foreign teacher with a heavy accent and very high and impossible expectations for gen chem students, he is also very disorganized. His tests are the worst judge of knowledge I have ever seen. There is no way to prepare for them. He doesn't have mercy or give reviews.

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CHEM1C . 18 Years Ago

wow, this professor made me make an account so i could WARN YOU! AVOID THIS PROFESSOR! very unclear in lecture (his tough accent doesnt help.), convuluted tests. I had 2 pop quizzes the week of the midterm! if you cant learn chem by simply reading the book, then avoid this class!!!!

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CHEM1C . 18 Years Ago

SAVE YOURSELF WHILE YOU STILL CAN! DON'T TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! I mean, he does seem nice and all, but the pop quizzes and the tests r ridiculous. He's asking us stuff that grad students don't even know -_-. He does seem passionate about his work...but he needs to keep it in the lab cuz he is definately shooting over the heads of normal people >_<.

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CHEM1C . 18 Years Ago

You can tell that he tries really hard in terms of teaching. However he is very difficult to understand, I swear half the time he is speaking Russian. His test are sooo hard and he has pop quizes. He is such a happy guy and nice but this just isnt the class for him

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CHEM1C . 18 Years Ago

you cant understand anything he says. u have to concentrate so hard on the words that hes using that u dont listen to the material. his tests are ridiculous and you dont get a cheat sheet

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CHEM1C . 18 Years Ago

I do not like him and his tests are ridiculous

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CHEM125L . 18 Years Ago

This man is a workaholic. He tries much harder than the average professor to teach us and he gets to know us really well.

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CHEM110L125L . 18 Years Ago

Be prepared to work! You will learn a lot but DON'Y come to class unprepared, or his in class oral quizs will make you look like an idoit. He is helpful, but expects a lot.

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CHEM110L . 18 Years Ago

As many have said before me, this class requires a lot of work - if you're stupid don't take this because you will do poorly!

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CHEM110L . 18 Years Ago

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CHEM110L . 18 Years Ago

must prepare to work very hard for this class...his handouts instructions are not always clear though (for data analysis).

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CHEM110L . 19 Years Ago

Kahn is the worst professor in the chemistry department. On top of his ridiculous ways of teaching, he cannot explain the material clearly and in addition to all, he is a ****. Don't ever want to see his face again, and just because he teaches so many courses in the chem department, I am changing the major.

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CHEM110L . 19 Years Ago

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CHEM112L . 19 Years Ago

He is one of the greatest teachers in the chem department. I have taken 4 classes with him and about to take my fifth and I am looking forward to it. He works you hard, but it helps you retain and learn the information. For those who think that he is a bad

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CHEM109C . 19 Years Ago

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110112125162 . 19 Years Ago

Excellent professor. Earned his Ph.D. in one of the best research groups in the country and definitely knows his sh!t. Only the weak and feeble minded dislike him for their inability to comprehend advanced human logic. Basically, don't take his classes if your an idiot.

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CHEM109C . 19 Years Ago

He teaches differently by not going exactly by the book. His powerpoints are interesting and he has a good sense of humor. I got an A only because he curves the class. Because he curves, he makes the exams somewhat difficult--so that he can distinguish the A students from the others. He is really approachable and nice.

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CHEM109C . 19 Years Ago

Definately not an easy professor, he requires a increased level of conceptual understanding of the topics. Its a lot of work, but once you understand the concepts your ok. Exams are constructed to test your conceptual understanding, by bringing in additional materials and even essays. Its a lot of work but you come out with more than a good grade.

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CHEM109C . 19 Years Ago

This guy is just horrible! If anyone has taken other Ochem classes and considering taking one with him or another, all I have to say is don't even think about it! Bruice is million times better than him in every way. You can't even understand him because his accent is so bad and his tests are ridiculously hard.

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112L . 19 Years Ago

Dr. Kahn is the hardest professor in the chem dept. I can also say that I have never learned so much in my life. We learn practical skills through lab, but in this class with a HUGE writeup due weekly, it gets overwhelming. He is great, hard, but great. If you are willing to work, take him.

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112L . 19 Years Ago

Dr. Kahn is the best chemistry professor at UCSB. Don't get me wrong. He will work you harden than you've been worked and teach you more than you've ever been taught in 10 weeks. I highly recommend taking as many classes with him as you can.

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CHEM110L . 19 Years Ago

Contrary to the last statement, Dr. Kahn is a wonderful and valuable teacher at UCSB. Whoever wrote the previous statement is obviously lacking in certain neurological faculties.

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CHEM110L . 19 Years Ago

kalju is the worst teacher of the world The man can't explain basic concepts in concise English, let alone he tells the native speakers to go learn English kalju is a shalow person who lacks etiquettes which are quite visible in a shrewd man like him his labs are stolen work of others that he claims

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CHEM111 . 19 Years Ago

Kahn is a good one if you want to learn practical methods and ther applications. Makes you work a lot. Coveres topics beyond the text but works hard to help students understand material. Posts helpful lecture notes online. Overall, Kahn is an excelent prof: knows his stuff, always there to help.

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