Leroy Laverman
54 reviews

CHEM11A . Laverman L E 9 Months Ago

Great professor who would always improve your knowledge of the subject. Super passionate and knowledgeable about the course; he wrote the textbook! I would really recommend his lectures, though the homework system is run through an external system that requires a purchase.

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CHEM196 . Laverman L E 8 Years Ago

One of the best chemistry professors out there. Such a beast. He makes things things simple and enjoyable to learn, yet you still end up learning so much from his class. Also takes the time to learn your name and is very approachable at office hours. I wish he taught all my upper division chem courses.

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2A . Laverman L E 8 Years Ago

Took Chem2A, professor laverman encourages class discussion and answers questions well. Tests are fair and straightforward. If you know your material you will get an A in the class. Since professor laverman wrote the textbook the lectures are a lot clearer if you read the book.

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CHEM2A . Laverman L E 8 Years Ago

Professor gives interesting lectures. He combines the boring textbook knowledge to some interesting real applications. Laverman clarifies everything he teaches and if you get confused, you can either ask him again in class or go to the office hours. The course is more difficult than Chem1A for sure and you should be well prepared for your 2nd exam.

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CHEM2A . Laverman L E 8 Years Ago

Taking Chem 2a is only for people that are really into it or already took AP in high school. Lectures are clear, but he moves quickly and expects everyone to understand immediately. Office hours are helpful if you can catch him. First midterm and final are pretty fair but second midterm wrecks a lot of grades. Study hard and you'll be fine-ish.

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CHEM2A . Laverman L E 9 Years Ago

Took it last year, and although Laverman was tough, I learned the most from him than from any other chem instructor at UCSB since. Isn't that the point? You have to study, but you can get an A and it will be a valuable A. Although his tests can be challenging, his tests are fair, straightforward, and trickless.

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CHEM2A . Laverman L E 9 Years Ago

Unless you really want to go in depth into basic chemistry, don't take this class. It's not worth the potential grade hit if you are not a titrations master. Take 1A and do an honors seminar instead. The honors 3.6 gets hard to maintain after first quarter.

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2A . Laverman L E 9 Years Ago

He rarely answers emails if ever. And if you can't make his office hours you have to really work for it to find him because he tends to go ghost.

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CHEM2A . Laverman L E 10 Years Ago

Laverman is awesome. He does not mind questions at all (which seems to be rare with many profs), in fact he seems to like them. You can really tell he isn't a researcher because he truly is into his students. He made me feel better when I was failing class, and made me feel great after I aced it! I wish all professors were like Dr. Laverman!

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CHEM1C . Laverman L E 10 Years Ago

Chem 1C is the easiest of all the chem series, so maybe that is why I found this class to be so do-able. Laverman is a good professor and wants his students to learn, but nothing too special. Overall the material was pretty easy and he gave fair tests. Class is curved to a B average I believe.

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1AAND1B . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

Laverman is the worst. If you can choose anyone but him please do so because he will not make this class easy for you. He teaches the honors class and constantly refers to them and it's obvious he prefers them. He tries to teach the normal students like the honors kids, but really? It just makes things 10 times more difficult

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CHEM1C . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

I thought Laverman was very fair. He is clear about what you need and what you don't need. I read the book and did all the book problems and got a B.No he doesn't drop your lowest quiz score but his quizzes and exams are reasonable if you study. He gave 4% extra credit on exams for going to class which helped big time. I definitely recommend him.

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CHEM1C . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

I do not recommend Laverman. He does not follow the same guidelines all other gen-chem teachers use (did not use i-clicker, did not drop lowest quiz score, did not give back midterms, did not curve). He is very boring and lectures on things that even he admits are irrelevant to the class. Made this class much harder than it should have been.

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CHEM1B . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

One of the best profs I've had at UCSB. Explains difficult concepts very well. Grades very fairly. Makes class interesting. Genuinely nice person!

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CHEM1A . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

I took AP Chem so this class was easy. But he is a good lecturer, is very helpful, and the tests are fair. Do ALEKS and the recommended book problems and you'll do fine.

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CHEM11A . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

Although he is a really nice and helpful guys. he lectures unclearly and sometimes really quickly. His test are hard, i would study for hours and took CLAS the practice question and alekd and all i got was a c stinking plus

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CHEM1A . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

I think he's a pretty good teacher. Go to his office hours if you don't understand something and he's pretty friendly. But if you don't have prior chemistry knowledge the class will probably be hard for you :<

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CHEM1A . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

Seems like a nice guy. Sometimes went a little too fast in lecture explanations. Definitely do ALEKS, suggested book problems, and attend CLAS. Tests and quizzes are worth only a few points so you either know it or you don't. Watch out for his tricks there is no room for error. Very stressful and dufficult class if you have not taken AP Chem.

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CHEM1B . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

Great professor! Material can be confusing (the first half of the class is harder than the second) but Laverman really wants everyone to do well and explains that concepts well. Be sure to go to lecture because he explains practice problems!

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CHEM1 . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

I would not advise taking him he seems quite insincere in my opinion. Tests are very small but also very tricky. All tests are multiple choice so there is very little room for extra credit. I always got the vibe that he cared more about the people acing the class then those who were struggling/performing average. I just didn't see the glamour in this professor.

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CHEM1A . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

His lectures are generic and basic, while his tests are tricky. This is not to say his tests aren't fair, because they were, but that he expects you to study on your OWN time. Good class though, definitely kept me interested.

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CHEM1A . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

Don't let these ratings around you fool you. His test and quiz point pools are so low, the difference between an A and a B could literally be 3 points. He says he's trying not to be tricky. But let's be real. He's a professor. If you took AP Chem, apparently, you will do phenomenal. I used CLAS, did book problems, and got nowhere. Good luck to yall

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CHEM1A . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

Very helpful and very clear. Tests are all very fair and he provides practice tests to help study. Just an all around great guy

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CHEM1A . Laverman L E 11 Years Ago

Laverman is a great teacher. He explains everything very clearly, is extremely fair on tests, no tricks, and really helpful if you approach him. He is also really entertaining and exciting, lectures always go by quick. If you do what he says, (read the book before class, actually do ALEKS, and bookwork which is optional) you will do fine.

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