CHEM 111
Kalju Kahn
102 reviews

CHEM142 . 15 Years Ago

By far the hardest prof you will ever have at UCSB but also BY FAR the best prof you will ever have, he will make u work VERY hard but you learn so much, if you go to lecture read the book take notes RE-take notes and think, u will have no problem he puts in a lot of effort and is a very interesting and he is a right of passage in the biochem dept

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CHEM125L . 15 Years Ago

Khan is a great instructor. His finals include a multiple choice, problem solving, and essay questions. He will make you work 300% more then any instuctor. Yet He is fair, willing to help, and won't give any curve-balls. His accent is hard to understand at times. His weakest area is his computer assignments - those are very ambiguously worded.

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CHEM126 . 15 Years Ago

The class is taught at the graduate level and the hw's are time consuming. There is only one midterm which covers 7 chapters and the final is worth 50% of your total grade. The class should be part of a yearlong sequence and have more prerequisites(entire math, ochem, physics, and pchem sequence along with a programming course)in order to do well.

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CHEM142A . 16 Years Ago

A great professor who definitely knows all of the intricacies of biochemistry. While it is true that you will work your butt off for a good grade from him, you will be the better for it, since you will know a lot more than most about the subject. Didn't care much for the class being only 6 wks, mostly biochemists, and multiple geniuses/small class.

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CHEM125L . 16 Years Ago

after taking his biochem lab series, i will never be intimidated by anyone and life is just completely downhill from this point. im better because of it but my gpa definitely isn't.

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CHEM125L . 16 Years Ago

He is a very arrogant person. He hates every student.

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CHEM125L . 16 Years Ago

Kahn teaches his courses as if they are graduate level. The material covered prepares you well for research in the real world. His course is very demanding and he has little patience for students who are not prepared. If you want to succeed stay on top of the work and know the theory behind every experiment. Be prepared for anything, literally!

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CHEM142A . 16 Years Ago

This is one of the hardest professors in the biochemistry department, you have to study alot, and you have to take him for 3 quarters of lab and he makes you spend most of the week just on his course. As hard as he is, he is still one of the best professors in the school and he will bring out the best in you if your willing to work hard.

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CHEM110L . 16 Years Ago

This professor makes you stress out! Be alert and read carefully the material before coming to the lab, otherwise you'll be kicked out and have to do make-up lab later. This is the toughest professor I've ever known. Biochem major students have to take his classes for 3 quarters, can't avoid!

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OCHEM109C . 16 Years Ago

Nearly impossible to understand a word that he says for about the first week or two of class. Talks super fast and it is easy to get lost. He is a very intelligent man but his tests are very difficult so there is always a huge curve. Expect to take CLAS to do well and spend alot of time out of class trying to learn the material.

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CHEM110L . 16 Years Ago

Biochem lab is demanding. some of the lab write ups are soo long, but you really do learn a lot from them. I learned more in this class than I did in biochem lecture. Kalju is a nice guy and always willing to help. I hear his biochem lecture is rough, hard tests. We only had a final in the lab, and it wasnt that hard.

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CHEM109C . 17 Years Ago

It was his first time teaching the class and it took a while to get use to him...but he definitely listened to the class and when we didn't understand something he took the time to explain it. whether or not the explanation helped is a different matter

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CHEM1C . 17 Years Ago

Multiple choice test which focus on minute details of the textbook, like floating compounds...[very tricky] and sometimes for no apparent reason his lectures are filled with praise towards himself, he goes on and on about how he was such a great student and so incredibly smart...not very helpful during office hours.

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CHEM109C . 17 Years Ago

He is not only hard to understand but comes to lecture unprepared. Students are constantly correcting his mechanisms. Tests are fair though.

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CHEMALL . 17 Years Ago

Took three quarters of biochem lab with Kahn. He is by far the best professor I have ever had. All the gen chem students that give him bad ratings do not appreciate the value of his teaching HE ACTUALLY MAKES YOU LEARN THE MATERIAL. He makes you work hard, but it pays off in the end. I highly recommend everybody to take classes with him.

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CHEM110L . 17 Years Ago

Good professor, as long as you are willing to work hard. Good at presenting what he expects you to know, and helpful if you don't understand something.

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CHEM11OL . 17 Years Ago

This class is tough. be aware that if you are a junior he will try to intimidate you until you drop his class so that the class size is smaller. Be alert every time he comes into class because you may just get kicked out at any moment. this class will stress you out! so be ready. but you'll sure learn a LOT. also make friends in your lab,ul need it

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CHEM110L . 17 Years Ago

Worst professor ever in my college life!! He is extremely picky and strict. Always stays in the lab watching you do every step of the experiment. Don't ever take his class if you don't have to!

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CHEM142 . 18 Years Ago

great professor. the fairest professor in grading I have ever met. He is funny at times and his teaching style is fun to follow. His class is the hardest class I have taken here at ucsb.

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CHEM110 . 18 Years Ago

This professor is the best professor in the Chemistry Department. He is funny, interesting and super super smart. He wants you to learn the material and not just slip by. If you are not a science major don't bother taking him, he is fair but extremely tough. He is extremely helpful, and you would bother to talk to him, you just may learn your stuff

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CHEM1C . 18 Years Ago

The reason he seems difficult is bc he actually xpects u2learn the material.He won't let u just slide by,bc ur not gonna get n2 medschool that way.He expects&demands a degree of intelligence&maturity,& if u have it,then u'll learn alot.If u read the book,u should do fine on the tests-a 63% is a B-,thats pretty fair.His accent&sarcasm r entertaining

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CHEM1C . 18 Years Ago

Be prepared to teach yourself.

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CHEM1CL . 18 Years Ago

Please don't take ANY class with this guy. most ridiculous chem teacher i've ever had. quizzes are stupid. tests are even worse tha have no partial credit and ridiculously formatted questions. heavy accent, so he's hard to understand. messy lectures. DONT TAKE THIS GUY! he's smart as hell and expects everyone to be just as smart.

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CHEM1C . 18 Years Ago

HE's horrbile dont take him unless u want to fail chem 1c. he makes things too damn hard, save ur GPA and take anyone else but him!

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