CHEM 102
Darby Feldwinn
210 reviews

CHEM1ABC . Feldwinn D L 9 Years Ago

She explains topics thoroughly. You HAVE to go to class in order to do well. She posts slides, but the examples of problems that she writes on the boards are crucial. They will not be on the slides. About 40% of the midterm final problems are ones you've seen before (from slides, board examples, ALEKS, book problems).

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CHEM1A . Feldwinn D L 9 Years Ago

Really good at explaining stuff!

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CHEM1C . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Dr. Feldwinn provides a great learning atmosphere that originates from her passion and zeal for educating students about general chemistry. She is very accessible during office hours and she is willing to meet outside of office hours as well. She makes sure you understand the material and is patient when working with you.

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CHEM1C . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

I learned a lot from her. She is really good about helping students if you have questions. The midterms are free response so you can get partial credit. A lot of what is on the midterms is things you've already seen on the practice midterms and questions form class. She offers extra credit. Tests are tough but you will learn a lot

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CHEM1A . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

HARD class! Feldwin talks extremely fast in class and often skips steps on the board. She wastes time doing experiments and Iclicker questions when she could be lecturing.

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CHEM1B . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Studied super hard for each exam, and got Ds on all of them. I did every single book problem, but the short answer problems on her tests are much more difficult and she is very stingy with giving points for them. I do have to say that even though I got Ds, the averages were so bad that I ended up with a C+ with the curve.

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CHEM1B . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

This is not an easy class, you have to work. Do the book problems and other class examples, such as iclicker and before class questions,for homework. Then work on those problems you struggled with, and focus on those when you study, until you master them. The curve will not be too steep this class, so you better make sure to get a good percentage.

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CHEM1B . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Feldwinn is the hardest chem teacher you will ever have, but she will work your butt until you're a chem master. I loved her teaching/lectures. Her tests are free-response, but a lot of partial credit is given. Didn't do well in her class because I slacked off, but do book problems, take GOOD notes (write down her examples) & you're good to go!

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CHEM1A . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Feldwinn seems to really care about her students, but can get irritated when they don't pay attention. Her tests are very hard–the averages are typically in the 50 or 60 per cent range. She does a lot of practice problems in class, but spends less time on conceptual understanding. She is nice and will answer questions well.

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CHEM1B . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Very hard teach avoid if possible. Makes tests hard for no reason, and the partial credit from the free response seems to make you loose more points than gain. Averages on exams for chem 1b were 52% and 61% this should speak for its self.

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CHEM1A . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Hardest teacher ever. Avoid her as a teacher. Made my first quarter as a freshmen the most stressful time ever. Extremely hard.

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CHEM1A . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Dr. Feldwinn was very helpful during her office hours. She really seemed to care about her students, however her tests were extremely challenging. Come to class early on test days so you get more time to finish, and for the love of God, do your book problems!!!

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05892 . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

I came into her class not knowing any Chemistry (I slacked off in high school Chemistry), but I still managed to get an A. I actually understand Chemistry after taking her class. She is an amazing and super helpful teacher, but you still have to put in 100% effort. Best teacher ever!

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CHEM1A . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Class was really hard. Studied a lot and ended up getting an A-.Avoid if you're a beginner in chem. My advice would be : Go to every lecture, do all extra credits opportunities,register for CLAS, do book problems,do practice exams and write down all the questions you got wrong and go over them again before the test.

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CHEM1A . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Simply put, bad professor for a beginner. If you don't already know a lot about chemistry or lack a strong foundation prepare to work overtime. The class is very difficult because the professor expects you to know so much from high school. She does bad examples in class because she skips steps and assumes you know how. I'd avoid her if possible.

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CHEM1A . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

She is the worst chem teacher ever! If you have any interest in becoming a bio major do NOT take her class! It is extremely hard to pass no matter how much you study.

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CHEM1C . Feldwinn D L 10 Years Ago

Dr. Feldwinn was BY FAR the best gen chem teacher I had. You can really tell she loves to teach and wants her students to get excited to learn chemistry. Her exams are difficult but she never tests on things she didn't go over in class. If you review her slides and practice exams, you'll get at least a B.

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CHEM1B . Feldwinn D L 11 Years Ago

She is challenging, but if you put the work into it,you will pass. Her tests are really long, and difficult but, the class average is really low, so the grading curve is pretty fair. Do every extra credit opportunity and pre chapter assessments, they are easy points. She is very willing to help, I reccomend office hours.

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CHEM1B . Feldwinn D L 11 Years Ago

If she didn't have her lectures at 8 am I definitely would have chosen her class every quarter of chem.The free response a bit intimidating at first but a fair amount of partial credit is given.Overall great professor and fair grading system.

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CHEM1B . Feldwinn D L 11 Years Ago

She is probably the hardest gen chem professor but shes definitely the best. I learned a lot and put way more effort than i ever expected to put into chem. She curves the class as a whole so go to CLAS and test reviews and pray you get above the class average. 2/3 FRQs and 1/3 MC tests.

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1B . Feldwinn D L 11 Years Ago

Much harder than every other gen chem class at UCSB.

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CHEM1C . Feldwinn D L 11 Years Ago

Professor Feldwinn is a hard teacher, there is no doubt you will have to work much more in her class. However, if you are a hard worker you should be thrilled to have her. She is a great teacher and extremely helpful. Her exam style is not multiple choice which prepares you much more for upper division classes.

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CHEM1C . Feldwinn D L 11 Years Ago

the average for the first midterm was 43%. She is a terrible teacher. The average partially reflects her teaching skills.

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CHEM1B . Feldwinn D L 11 Years Ago

Super helpful! And not that difficult, her tests are literally the same questions with same numbers as from the book. Got an A- in her class and I slack pretty hard

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