Christopher Bernt
68 reviews

CHEM1CL . Bernt C M 3 Months Ago

Chem 1CL overall was really challenging, and the labs have much more confusing processes than A and B. But it's honestly just about which TA you end up with. My TA was chill and explained concepts very well. The final, like the previous two labs, was incredibly hard. My advice is try to go into the final with an A+, so you can tank the bad grade.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M A Month Ago

They were unresponsive to emails, took an unreasonably long time to resolve a grading issue, and only addressed the emails after I threatened to escalate it to the chem department. But even then, he still didn't do anything. For Pre-Bio 1st YEAR majors, he genuinely caused unnecessary stress for a 2 credit class.

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CHEM1ABCL . Bernt C M 3 Months Ago

Your experience is heavily dependent on your TA as they handle all the grading. Labflow (the website you use) is pretty horrendous and often incorrectly marks things wrong so watch out for that. The final is also always unnecessarily difficult so don't underestimate it. Most of this class feels like busy work, but it is pretty easy to succeed.

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CHEM1BL . Bernt C M 6 Months Ago

the actual class is pretty easy if you put in the work, but he makes the final RIDICULOUSLY hard for no reason, then gives little to no curve.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 6 Months Ago

Your experience completely depends on your lab partner and TA. Some TAs grade harder than others. I got lucky with my TA (Rose Mary) and I had a good lab partner. The lab was easy, but the exam was a curveball. Study every. quiz. question. Don't trust the lab review they give you, it is much easier than the exam. Go over lab reports and pre labs.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 9 Months Ago

The class itself is not too difficult, but there is a LOT of homework, especially for a 2 unit course. I didn't have a lot of trouble submitting assignments like others did, but I will say that sometimes I had more work for CHEM1AL than CHEM1A. TAs don't really give feedback on assignments, which is annoying, but manageable.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 9 Months Ago

I've never ever seen this prof, since the lab is taught by the TAs, so I'm just rating the class. The class honestly isn't super hard, as long as you take time trying to understand the concepts. The submissions are a little tricky. Try to build up the most points during the quarter so you can tank the final, bc it's super difficult for no reason.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 9 Months Ago

Work was just extensive, you have to do it together or you cant complete it. Then, when you do complete it, you spend hours out trying to figure out where to submit it. Then, when you submit it, you realize during break u submitted to only 1/2 programs so none of your discussions are graded. Then, you email the professor and they ghost you! Fun!

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 9 Months Ago

Im not sure if it was always like this, but submitting assignments was incredibly difficult and confusing. Perhaps its because the school changed to using Canvas. The class is incredibly unorganized online and I pulled my hair out trying to figure out where to post my work. It doesn't make any sense.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 9 Months Ago

The labs are easy enough as long as you watch the videos and leave enough time to complete the prelab assignments. However, the final exam was extremely hard and the study guide did not prepare us at all for the test. The lab manual will mark questions wrong on lab reports even though the answer is correct. Professor does not respond to emails.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 9 Months Ago

No one knows who this professor is. Emailed the professor about 8 times as well as my TA, not a single response. Errors on my due dates, grades, no response. Now I am losing points for their mistakes. The final was ridiculously hard. Some TA's give grades that are very unfair, whereas others grade way easier, putting others at an advantage.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 9 Months Ago

the class itself was easy but the final was horrible it was nothing like the practice tests or the class. apparently last year everyone got A's and so the prof was told to make his final harder so it was an actual joke this year. final grade isnt out yet but ive had an A all quarter and it may go down to a B if there isnt a curve

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 9 Months Ago

The class itself was a lot of work but very doable. However, grading criteria is not clear for any assignment. A group of students can work together on it being lab partners, and one will do significantly worse for no clear reason. The final was very difficult in comparison to the practice. The Professor does not respond to emails either.

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CHEM1BL . Bernt C M 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I'm one of the few people who have actually seen him as I went to his office hours. Super nice guy who is very helpful and even gives you a snack for coming. Labs are whatever, unless you watch the videos you will be lost. Grading basically depends on how much of a tweaker your TA is. Go to a TA's office ours to discuss the lab and get answers.

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CHEM1BL . Bernt C M 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

hate this much work for what? measly 2 credits....also the quizzes are excessive: 5 question quiz every week...get one wrong ur down 10 pts already...whats the point?

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I have never seen Professor Bernt in my life and I am on my second quarter of having him as a professor. The TA's are the real teachers of this class, but they're generally pretty good. You absolutely cannot skip even one class, and lab reports, pre labs, and quizzes take up a lot of time. This definitely should be worth more than two units.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Don't even know this man, the TA's ran the labs. Bernt NEVER replied to emails. He would send announcements super late. Prime TA strike, he was the worst at communicating. However, quizzes weren't terrible, lab reports were a pain but just follow the rubric, and the final was easy, not sure if it's because it was online (I didn't even use notes)

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CHEM1C . Bernt C M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

He's exhausted. It's as simple as that. Most professors are, but he's the most burnt out prof. I've yet to meet and it makes sense because he spreads himself so thin between teaching at ucsb and sbcc. So he's not too devoted to a single class. As long as you attend lectures, do the book problems and make sure you understand them, you'll do great.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Pretty sure this man does not exist. Never seen him. No-one I know who took this class has ever seen him. Sent him 8 emails this quarter, he didn't answer any of them. I don't even think my TA has ever met him.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Never ever rely on Bernt to answer your emails. Never have met or seen this man ever. In the midst of the TA strike and you have to do everything on your own. Quizzes are a bit stressful but somewhat manageable. Lab reports are okay if you follow the rubric thoroughly, they do take quite a lot of time.TA's pretty much run the whole class.

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CHEM1BL . Bernt C M 2 Years Ago

This class series should be at least 3.5 units. Not only do the lab manual/lectures alone not prepare you adequately for the quizzes, but Dr. Bernt doesn't seem to do anything besides post material from past years. I have only seen his face in the weekly emails that he sends at inconvenient times, and if you email him, he simply will not respond.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 2 Years Ago

You need to buy the lab manual and notebook from the UCEN which are expensive. Even though everything is submitted online they insist you take all your notes on carbon copy paper from the specific notebook.

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CHEM1AL . Bernt C M 2 Years Ago

Never seen this man's face. You have to watch video lectures (of another professor) before each lab and the reports and pre-labs take up a lot of time. TA's run all the labs and they grade very harshly (I got points docked because my report was too long?). Sometimes the weekly quizzes include material we haven't even learned yet.

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CHEM1B . Bernt C M 2 Years Ago

I took Chem ab with bernt and c with joseph. Bernt really helped me learn the content, I responded well to his teching style. The curves were also VERY good; he was not afraid to challenge us. I definitely recommend bernt, I liked him better than joseph by a bit.

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